sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2013

March 22, 2013 -- Updated 1859 GMT (0259 HKT)


Doctors and a Prescription for Trouble

Married to Medicine  From left, Dr. Jacqueline Walters, Kari Wells and Toya Bush-Harris let the fireworks fly in this reality show in Atlanta on Bravo, Sunday nights at 9, Eastern and Pacific times; 8, Central time.
Bob Mahoney/Bravo
Married to Medicine From left, Dr. Jacqueline Walters, Kari Wells and Toya Bush-Harris let the fireworks fly in this reality show in Atlanta on Bravo, Sunday nights at 9, Eastern and Pacific times; 8, Central time.
Another Atlanta reality show, “Married to Medicine,” on Bravo, follows doctors and spouses of doctors.

Sheepsquatch, Pulling the Wool Over Your Eyes

According to “Monsters and Mysteries in America,” there are more than sasquatches and aliens to beware of: there are sheepsquatches and the mothman.

Gone Gone Gone (Woah Oh Oh)

Al Pacino and Helen Mirren star in the HBO movie “Phil Spector,” about the pop-music impresario and the defense lawyer representing him in the murder of an actress.

Israeli Apology to Turkey Sets Up Renewal of Diplomatic Ties

In a gesture partly secured by President Obama, Israel’s prime minister told his Turkish counterpart that he regretted a 2010 raid on a ship that killed nine people, officials said.

Cyprus Passes Parts of Bailout Bill, but Delays Vote on Tax

Lawmakers put off voting on a key new proposal that would confiscate 22 percent to 25 percent of uninsured deposits over 100,000 euros in one of Cyprus’s most troubled banks.
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Zeal From a Master Strategist for Foes of Gay Marriage

Brian S. Brown, president of the nonprofit National Organization for Marriage, was instrumental in passing Proposition 8, California’s same-sex marriage ban.
Brian S. Brown has become the nation’s leading opponent of gay marriage. Now, his views are set for the ultimate American test: a Supreme Court hearing.

Lebanon’s Prime Minister Resigns

Najib Mikati’s departure threatens to leave a void in Lebanon’s highest ranks at a time of rising tensions and sporadic violence inflamed by the civil war in Syria.
Erik Szylard Daenitz for The New York Times

Sly Predators Become Targets in Utah

A new coyote bounty program is one of the nation’s largest hunter-based efforts to manage predators, but critics question the argument that it will safeguard mule deer.
Tower at O’Hare May Become Victim of Budget Cuts
The airport now has the capacity to land as many as 114 airplanes an hour.
The Federal Aviation Administration said it would close 149 control towers at smaller airports, but even an O’Hare International Airport tower in Chicago could be affected.
Chinua Achebe, African Literary Titan, Dies at 82
The celebrated author of “Things Fall Apart” wrote stirring essays and poignant poems rooted in Nigeria.
Spring Feast in the South
Mark Bittman and Sam Sifton travel to Charleston, S.C., and show you how to create a spring holiday dinner party — and make the process into a celebration itself.
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N.C.A.A. Tournament
Latest Updates on March Madness
Jared Berggren, No. 40, of the Wisconsin Badgers, rebounded against Marshall Henderson, No. 22, and Terry Brutus, No. 25,  of the Ole Miss Rebels.
Ohio State is blitzing Iona, and the Hoyas are in a close one early against Florida Gulf Coast. Times reporters offer live analysis.

pós ser esfaqueado

Atualizado em  22 de março, 2013 - 09:21 (Brasília) 12:21 GMT
AP/Canadian Press
McNeely só foi perceber a lâmina quando coçou suas costas, três anos após ser esfaqueado
Médicos no Canadá retiraram uma lâmina de faca das costas de um homem três anos após ele ter sido esfaqueado durante uma briga.
Billy McNeely, dos Territórios do Noroeste canadense, disse à mídia local que vinha sofrendo coceiras e ligeiras dores nas costas, mas que não tinha ideia de que a lâmina continuava alojada ali.
No início desta semana, no entanto, ao coçar as costas, ele percebeu a ponta da lâmina de 7,5 centímetros.
''Já passei um tempo na cadeia no passado'', afirma. ''Os guardas costumam passar um detector de metal por você e toda vez que ele passava pelas minhas costas, ele disparava'', conta.
Em abril de 2010, McNeely se envolveu em uma briga e foi esfaqueado cinco vezes, disse ele em entrevista à agência de notícias Canadian Press.

'Problemas nervosos'

Médicos do setor de emergência de um hospital local fizeram pontos em seus ferimentos, mas nunca se deram ao trabalho de realizar um exame de raio-X.
Após ter procurado tratamento para aplacar as dores constantes que sentia, médicos lhe disseram que ele estava sofrendo de problemas nervosos.
Mas ao coçar as costas, McNeely, de 32 anos, sentiu que sua unha havia batido em alguma coisa que ele não sabia o que era. Ele pediu que sua namorada desse uma olhada.
''Eu disse a Billy: 'Tem uma faca nas suas costas''', disse a namorada, Stephanie Sayine.
Agora, McNeely está pensando em processar o Departamento de Saúde local.

Além de banda e sócios da casa, polícia acusa bombeiros, fiscalizadores e políticos.