segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013

Resistance in Cyprus Grows to Europe’s Bailout Plan

Cyprus’s president delayed a vote on a $13 billion deal that set off outrage for calling on Cypriot bank depositors to bear part of the cost, while markets faltered on concerns over the plan.

Bloomberg’s Plan Would Make Stores Conceal Cigarettes

Under Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s proposal, New York would become the first city in the nation to require stores to keep tobacco products out of sight.

Syrian Opposition Elects a U.S. Citizen as Prime Minister

Representatives of Syria’s opposition coalition chose Ghassan Hitto, 50, a former information technology executive, who emigrated from Syria and until recently lived in Texas.

Who Stole This Art in ’90? F.B.I. May Know

The bureau said it believed it had figured out who pulled off a famous heist of 13 works of art, valued at up to $500 million, from Boston’s Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.
Sun Storm Forecast: Tiny Chance of Havoc
Scientists said a solar eruption was detected on March 5, 2013, and was headed toward Mars.
Huge solar flares that send out plumes of charged particles rarely hit Earth directly, but if one did, the result could be crippling.
Justices Appear Divided on Arizona Voting Law
The Supreme Court is weighing whether Arizona can require people registering to vote to prove citizenship.
A King’s Harsh Words for Friends, Foes and Family
King Abdullah II of Jordan during a state visit to Russia in February, when he met with President Vladimir V. Putin.
A magazine interview with King Abdullah of Jordan offers a rare view of the contradictory mind-set of Washington’s closest ally in the Arab world.
Solving the Passover Dinner Puzzle, in Paris
To put on a Seder in Paris, where people tend to be private about their faith, you have to know where to get what.
Lost Sleep Is Linked to Weight Gain
People in a study ate more and were about two pounds heavier on average after a week of sleeping only about five hours a day.

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